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What is Diplomatic Enterprises?
Diplomatic Enterprises is a management consulting firm that creates custom strategic plans for businesses, whether pre-launch, scaling, or mature, that allow them to spend their time on what matters most.
Explore our recent posts:
5 Invaluable Tips for Small Businesses
Do Dope Work 
If you bake cakes, create custom designer eyewear, or help people be better plant parents do it, do it real good. Your first priority is to be awesome at what you do. 
Deliver Great Service
The customer is always right and when they aren’t, it’s still incumbent upon you to deliver excellent customer service. You’re in the people business. And people want to patronize places where they are treated with respect and dignity. 
Tell Your Story 
Find the time, find the money (or learn the ropes) and tell the world who you are, what you do, and why they should work with you. 
Focus on the Big Picture (and the small details)
Make time to know what’s going on in your industry, understand the trends and pay attention to how they may affect your brand. Talk to your customers and learn what they want and need and how you can deliver it to them. 
Pay Now, or Pay More Later 
Starting a business is a huge endeavor, chances are you aren’t great at the business of what you do. For example, you may be great at baking cakes but when it comes to time to manage personnel, operations, marketing and budgets can you bake and balance the other tasks. 

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